04 June 2008

Words (for all developers) To Live By

In coming up with a presentation for work on characteristics of quality, I've done a lot of expanding my brain.  Lots of defining, clarifying, quantifying, and a fair amount of reading.  This morning I took another looks at Apple's ADC guide for Human Interface Guidelines--particularly the part on Characteristics of Great Software.  I'm pretty sure they'd updated it since the last time I'd been there, as I noticed a link on that page to another page called "Know Your Audience".  I followed. First nugget: "It is useful to create scenarios that describe a typical day of a person who uses the type of software product you are designing." Second nugget: "Develop your product with people and their capabilities—not computers and their capabilities—in mind." Third nugget: "It is not your needs or your usage patterns that you are designing for, but those of your (potential) customers." Read it. Enough said.

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